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Issue List
Journal of Chromatography B
Copyright © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 798, Issue 1, Pages 1-178 (5 December 2003)
       Selected Display Checked Docs E-mail Articles Export Citations View:
Characterization of human transferrin glycoforms by capillary electrophoresis and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 1-7
V. Sanz-Nebot, P. González, I. Toro, A. Ribes and J. Barbosa
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Fully automated on-line quantification of quetiapine in human serum by solid phase extraction and liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 9-16
J. Hasselstrøm and K. Linnet
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Size-exclusion flow extraction of bisphenol A in human urine for liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 17-23
Koichi Inoue, Migaku Kawaguchi, Yukari Funakoshi and Hiroyuki Nakazawa
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Study of the serum albumin-polyethyleneglycol interaction to predict the protein partitioning in aqueous two-phase systems ARTICLE
Pages 25-33
Beatriz Farruggia, Bibiana Nerli and Guillermo Picó
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Application of ultrafiltration method to measurement of catecholamines in plasma of human and rodents by high-performance liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 35-41
Jun Ueyama, Kiyoyuki Kitaichi, Mitsunori Iwase, Kenji Takagi, Kenzo Takagi and Takaaki Hasegawa
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Determination of vertilmicin in rat serum by high-performance liquid chromatography using 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene derivatization ARTICLE
Pages 43-48
Maojin Zhou, Guangli Wei, Youping Liu, Yuming Sun, Shuhua Xiao, Long Lu, Changxiao Liu and Dafang Zhong
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Liquid chromatographic determination of ceterizine hydrochloride and paracetamol in human plasma and pharmaceutical formulations ARTICLE
Pages 49-54
Basavaraj S. Nagaralli, Jaldappa Seetharamappa, Babu G. Gowda and Mahaveer B. Melwanki
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Liquid chromatographic–mass spectrometric determination of the metabolism and disposition of the anti-retroviral nucleoside analogs zidovudine and lamivudine in C57BL/6N and B6C3F1 mice ARTICLE
Pages 55-62
Lee D. Williams, Linda S. Von Tungeln, Frederick A. Beland and Daniel R. Doerge
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Bioanalysis of zosuquidar trihydrochloride (LY335979) in small volumes of human and murine plasma by ion−pairing reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 63-68
E. M. Kemper, M. Ouwehand, J. H. Beijnen and O. van Tellingen
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Optimization of the separation of a complex mixture of natural and synthetic anabolic steroids by micellar liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 69-77
R. Izquierdo-Hornillos and R. Gonzalo-Lumbreras
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Determination of paclitaxel in mouse plasma and brain tissue by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 79-86
Ping Guo, Jianguo Ma, Shaolan Li and James M. Gallo
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Quantitative determination of circulating and urinary asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) in humans by gas chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry as methyl ester tri(N-pentafluoropropionyl) derivative ARTICLE
Pages 87-99
Dimitrios Tsikas, Bibiana Schubert, Frank-Mathias Gutzki, Jörg Sandmann and Jürgen C. Frölich
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Liquid chromatography method for plant and mammalian lignans in human urine ARTICLE
Pages 101-110
Tarja Nurmi, Sari Voutilainen, Kristiina Nyyssönen, Herman Adlercreutz and Jukka T. Salonen
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Determination of thiopurine S-methyltransferase activity in erythrocytes using 6-thioguanine as substrate and a non-extraction liquid chromatographic technique ARTICLE
Pages 111-115
Loretta Theresa Ford and Jonathan David Berg
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Quantitative chromatographic determination of several benzimidazole anthelmintic molecules in parasite material ARTICLE
Pages 117-125
Lourdes Mottier, Luis Alvarez and Carlos Lanusse
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Three-phase liquid-phase microextraction of weakly basic drugs from whole blood ARTICLE
Pages 127-135
Hege Grefslie Ugland, Mette Krogh and Léon Reubsaet
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Determination of fluoroquinolones in human urine by liquid chromatography coupled to pneumatically assisted electrospray ionization mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 137-144
O. Ballesteros, I. Toro, V. Sanz-Nebot, A. Navalón, J. L. Vílchez and J. Barbosa
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Validated method for the simultaneous determination of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 11-hydroxy-THC and 11-nor-9-carboxy-THC in human plasma using solid phase extraction and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry with positive chemical ionization ARTICLE
Pages 145-154
Richard A. Gustafson, Eric T. Moolchan, Allan Barnes, Barry Levine and Marilyn A. Huestis
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Microdialysis for the determination of acetaldehyde and ethanol concentrations in the striatum of freely moving rats SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 155-158
Mostofa Jamal, Kiyoshi Ameno, Mitsuru Kumihashi, Setsuko Ameno, Takako Kubota, Weihuan Wang and Iwao Ijiri
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Measurement of plasma pristanic, phytanic and very long chain fatty acids by liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry for the diagnosis of peroxisomal disorders SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 159-162
David W. Johnson, Minh-Uyen Trinh and Tomoyuki Oe
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Detection of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol in rabbit skeletal muscle microdialysate SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 163-166
Noriyuki Tokunaga, Toji Yamazaki, Tsuyoshi Akiyama and Hidezo Mori
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Determination of gatifloxacin in human serum and urine by high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 167-173
Brian R. Overholser, Michael B. Kays and Kevin M. Sowinski
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Determination of lactate dehydrogenase in human erythrocytes by capillary electrophoresis with electrochemical detection SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 175-178
Wei Wang, Xuemei Sun and Wenrui Jin
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FMiii: Full-title Page MISCELLANEOUS
Page iii

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News Section NEWS
Pages N1-N2

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